I am so sad today. My cat Kaysar got out of our home last night and we haven't seen him since. We spent the night searching the neighborhood for him and all morning speaking with our neighbors. He has just vanished in thin air. I'm trying to stay hopeful that he will make his way home, but it's hard to not imagine all the things that could happen. He's an indoor cat, and we haven't been living in this area for a year yet, I hope he isn't lost somewhere.
Although I love both my cats equally, Kaysar felt like my companion, that he had chosen me to be his person. The first time I saw him I was buying our other cat, Jinx, his food from a store that also housed Toronto rescue cats up for adoption. At the time Kaysar went by the name Skye, and he just came right up to me and when I bent to pet him, he jumped into my arms. It felt like fate that we were to take him home because he was already set for adoption with someone else, but when they found out that he had been sick as a kitten, they decided against it. He joined our family instead.
Lately I have felt as though I haven't given Kays the kind of attention that he is acustomed to having because I have been so focused on my daughter. Quinn-Estelle is one now, is into everything and I sometimes feel spread thin. Now I have a lot of guilt and regrets and I just wish I knew that he was okay and I wish he would just come home so I can shower him with love and just hold him.
Home just doesn't feel the same without him.
The rooms feel empty without his presence.
The rooms feel empty without his presence.